It's been about a month now and we are looking for ways to broaden our scope. So as we looked for ways to implement our vision of benefitting the community at large, we were blessed to be offered many new ventures.
Sofreshsmells took on the challenge of serving the Homeless Community. My daughter Sachi's Girl Scout Troop 868 wanted donations for hygiene items, so since we already make soap, we signed up to make 100 Melt & Pour soaps in individual molds! Seemed easy enough right?
We started on them right away since we already had some Melt & Pour soaps bases at home and we had about 7 different molds that would make about 5 soaps each. As we started melting the oil base my daughter decided that she wanted to use different colors for each mold! Since it was her Troop, I , of course let her be in control of the project. So the coloring of oil batches began and the colors she chose were beautiful!
She was feeling very proud of her work and started to get more creative as we continued to make different batches. We had pinks, blues, green, purples, and yellows by the time we were finished!
When the Troop came over to start putting together the bags they were so excited to see the handmade soaps all packaged in their own little personalized bags! Sachi felt very proud of her accomplishment and so did I. We even had enough to give some to the girls.
We made 161 bags to give out to the Homeless! WHAT A BLESSING!!
As the troop walked down the streets and handed out bags I could feel their sense of gratefulness and willingness to serve.
At the end of our community outreach we asked each trooper what was their positive take away from the day and the answers were very humbling. Sachi said that "It was truly a blessing to BLESS OTHERS".
This was beautiful, it sounds as though your baby has an amazing gift and I know that you will continue to cultivate it. I am so happy for you and your amazing business venture. I am taking my time and going through your website to make the best most informed decision for my purchase. I just love what you are doing here. Wishing you all continued blessings. Tolanda
So proud I am beaming!!!! I wanna help, I wanna buy, I wanna donate whatever I can!!! Love it!!
Would love to try bothe
Wow! I’m amaze at the work you and Sachi has put into this well thought -out process. How creative! I have always loved nature’s way.. I’m super proud of what you are embarking upon. Stay fucus, stay faithful, stay fulfilled. Love ❣️ you both!!.
Mom/ Granny